Tom Brady Rides 'Tower Of Terror' In Disney World, Shows Human Side With Incredible Picture
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Tom Brady Rides 'Tower Of Terror' In Disney World, Shows Human Side With Incredible Picture

Jun 21, 2023

by Dan Zaksheske June 5, 2023, 11:58 amupdated June 5, 2023, 1:51 pm

When it comes to football, Tom Brady is practically a robot. He's built perfectly to throw an NFL football. Brady amassed arguably the greatest career of any football player, ever. But when it comes to rides at Disney World — specifically the "Tower of Terror" — Brady is just like the rest of us. Well, like me at least.

Brady posted a picture riding "Tower of Terror" with his kids over the weekend. And, like many people, realized that there is indeed some terror involved.

I know what you’re probably thinking: that ride is weak and if it scares you, then you’re weak. Well, friends, consider me weak.

I was tricked into riding it with my friends about 8 years ago in Disneyland. My buddy, JD, who knows I hate rides with "drops" told me there are no drops.

"It's more of a theatrical ride than anything else," he said.

The people screaming up ahead probably should have been a clue. But I guess I’m not all that perceptive.

All the way through the line, you’re shuffled from room to room, watching "scary" videos. JD kept assuring me that was basically the ride. You watch scary videos and then you leave.

He's a liar.

I probably also should have noticed that they make you put on a seatbelt. Any ride where they strap you down means something is going to happen.

So, of course, as the ride is climbing the tower, I keep asking, "are you sure nothing is going to happen?"

"No, no, no. They take you up to the top, show you the park, and then bring you back down," he said.


Props to him though: if you don't know it's coming, you really don't feel the terror until you’re in it. And by then, it's too late.

And by the looks of it, Tom Brady and I had the exact same "Tower of Terror" experience.

"Tower of Terror is mad chill dad"

"Tower of Terror is mad chill dad," Brady's kid tells him. Yeah, that sounds familiar.

This is a pretty big moment for me. Tom Brady and I had near identical experiences. We both got tricked into riding "Tower of Terror."

Except, an adult tricked me. He got duped by a child.

Dan Z -1

Tom Brady – 0.

Your move, Tom.

Follow Dan Zaksheske on Twitter: @RealDanZak

DisneyDisney WorldDisneylandTom BradyTower of Terror

Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to Outkick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.

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Dan Zaksheske Follow Dan Zaksheske on Twitter: @RealDanZak