Halo Vest vs. Spinal Fusion: Uses, Benefits, and More
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Halo Vest vs. Spinal Fusion: Uses, Benefits, and More

Jul 20, 2023

Halo vest and spinal fusion are common treatments for cervical spine (neck) injuries and certain spinal disorders. A halo vest is a brace designed to stabilize and protect the cervical spine. Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure in which two or more spinal vertebrae (bones) are fused into one bone to restore spinal stability.

Though halo vests and spinal fusion treat neck injuries and stabilize the spine, there are key differences between these two treatments. This article explores the differences between a halo vest and spinal fusion.

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A halo vest is an external brace that stabilizes and protects the neck after an injury or surgery. Halo vests commonly:

Halo vest equipment includes:

The halo vest is designed to immobilize the head and neck to promote healing and prevent further damage. The vest weighs approximately 7 pounds, making it lightweight enough for users to remain mobile rather than confined to a bed while recovering. There may be an adjustment period as you get used to eating, sleeping, getting dressed, and carrying out your daily activities while wearing the vest.

A halo vest is the most effective brace for helping the neck heal from injury. It works much like a plaster cast does on other bone fractures, restricting the movement of the injured bone and surrounding soft tissues (e.g., muscle, ligaments, tendons) to promote healing.

The "halo" ring circles around the head and is attached to the skull with pins (screws). The rigid brace (vest) is attached to the halo ring with bars to provide spinal stability. The halo vest allows the wearer to remain mobile with minimal discomfort.

Research shows that the halo vest has a very high success rate when treating cervical spine fractures. In one study, 81% of patients wearing a halo vest healed with minimal pain and could return to normal activities once the device was removed.

Another study reported a 73% success rate, with most patients healing after 14.4 weeks of wearing the halo vest.

Halo vest placement is a straightforward procedure that takes approximately one hour. You will be awake and lie face up on a hospital bed or table throughout the procedure.

Placement of a halo ring and vest generally follows these steps:

When the procedure is complete, you will visit your healthcare provider frequently so they can closely monitor your recovery. They will perform a neurological examination, tighten the pins as needed, and take regular X-rays to ensure adequate healing and positioning of the cervical spine.

You must always wear the halo vest unless a healthcare provider advises otherwise. Most people wear a halo vest for six to 12 weeks, depending on the severity of the injury.

The halo vest is a safe, effective treatment for cervical spine injuries. Potential complications are typically mild and short term. These include:

Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure by which two or more vertebrae in the spine are permanently fused to make one solid bone. Spinal fusion aims to straighten and stabilize the spine and prevent damage to the soft tissues surrounding the affected vertebrae.

Spinal fusion is often performed to correct the following:

Spinal fusion corrects a spinal deformity or injury and improves spinal stability. Your healthcare provider may recommend spinal fusion if you have considerable back pain during physical activity or movement.

Spinal fusion on the cervical spine is a highly effective and safe procedure for treating conditions and injuries affecting the neck. A research review found that cervical spinal fusion results in high fusion (healing) rates and low rates of complications, with people reporting a significant reduction in pain.

Spinal fusion procedures are performed by orthopedic surgeons in hospitals. You will be placed under general anesthesia, so you will not be awake or feel pain during the procedure. A spinal fusion procedure may take several hours and typically proceeds as follows:

You may stay in the hospital for three to four days after the procedure to manage your pain, learn proper movement techniques while you heal, and monitor your condition. You may wear a neck brace when you leave the hospital to keep your neck stabilized while you heal. It may take four to six weeks before you can resume regular activities.

Cervical spinal fusion is generally a safe procedure, but there are potential risks and complications, including:

If given the opportunity to choose between a halo vest and spinal fusion, your healthcare provider will discuss your treatment options, including risks and benefits, and offer their recommendation of which may be most effective.

A halo vest may not be an option for people with severe chest trauma, head or facial fractures, a barrel-shaped chest, osteoporosis, or obesity. Cervical spinal fusion may not be appropriate for smokers or people with diabetes and/or mental health disorders. Talk to your healthcare provider about your questions and concerns so you can make an informed decision.

Recent advancements in spinal fusion procedures have reduced the need for halo vest use. However, the halo vest continues to be the most effective method for immobilizing the head and neck to help vertebrae heal from injury and spinal surgery.

A halo vest and spinal fusion are rarely used together, but certain situations may warrant the use of both treatments. For example, a halo vest may be used prior to spinal fusion or afterward to keep the head and neck as still as possible.

Halo vest and spinal fusion are treatments for injuries and disorders affecting the cervical spine (neck). A halo vest is a brace designed to immobilize and protect the cervical spine after an injury or surgery.

Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure in which two or more spinal vertebrae are fused together into a single bone to restore spinal stability and reduce pain. Both halo vest and spinal fusion are safe and effective treatments.

Both halo vest and spinal fusion are effective, safe treatments for injuries and conditions affecting the cervical spine. Speak with your healthcare provider about which treatment option is best for you.

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Pin loosening: Infection at pin sites: Skin irritation: Balance issues: Difficulty swallowing: Weakened neck muscles: Infection: Bleeding: Pain at the graft site: Pseudoarthrosis: Nerve and blood vessel damage: