COREBike preview: Kinesis UK to launch Fernweh Ti frame
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COREBike preview: Kinesis UK to launch Fernweh Ti frame

Sep 19, 2023

Visitors to next month's COREBike trade show will be among the first to lay eyes on a new titanium frame from Kinesis UK, as carried by Upgrade Bikes.

The all-new adventure frame has been years in development with Kinesis ambassador rider Emma Ossenton. The Fernweh will be available in bike shops in April, retailing at £2,400.

Product manager Paul Wilson from Upgrade and Kinesis shared with CI.N some of the detail in bringing the product to market in this short interview:

This one has been a long time coming – when did you start working on it?

This project started in 2019 – pre-Covid.

What is it for exactly?

The idea was to make the ultimate long distance off-road race/expedition bike.

What are the key features you wanted to include?

We wanted it to be tough and reliable, yet as comfortable, efficient, and lightweight as possible. If this was a car it would be a Paris–Dakar rally car. Titanium allows us to do that by using a flat yoke at the chain-stay/BB – we kept stiffness for efficiency but allowed vertical compliance [comfort] using the yoke as a leaf spring.

Who else has helped with this amazing frame project?

Emma Osenton was in on this project from the outset as a long-term collaborator and very experienced long-distance rider. In 2018 Emma rode the gruelling Grenzsteintrophy, along the old East–West German border patrol track, which helped define this project. Emma helped fine-tune the frame design to ensure good fit for the rider and as vital all the essential gear you need to take. She also came up with the name Fernweh – which is a German word meaning ‘a longing for far off places’ – the opposite of home sickness!

Spec sheet

In the trade and want to meet the Upgrade team? You can register for the COREBike show here.

This one has been a long time coming – when did you start working on it? What is it for exactly? What are the key features you wanted to include? Who else has helped with this amazing frame project? Spec sheet